By making sure the body structures move properly, the osteopath helps gain or maintain a good synergy within all body systems. Is is useful mainly for:
. Respiratory system: proper mobility of the diaphragm, thoracic cage (in cases of d'asthma, etc.)
. Digestive system: proper digestion, assimilation and elimination, etc.
. Proper sleep, reduce or eliminate teeth clenching during sleep, etc.
. Eliminate migraines or frequent headaches
Osteopathy is a manual therapy which helps regain proper mobility in a gentle yet efficient way. Whether it is due to an injury, a visceral restriction due to an adherence, the osteopath will help the body move peacefully again.
Living with pain is obviously not pleasant and no one should suffer. It is even more frustrating when we ignore what causes to pain. Th osteopath with help find mechanical causes that is leading to pain. The body should be mobile, from the big structures to the smallest. When a specific part is restricted in movement, tensions will be created all around which leads to pain. The osteopath will help with certain types of pain such as:
. Mechanical problems (back, shoulders, articulations, etc.)
. Pain due to trauma (injury, arthritis, sprains, etc.)
. Sudden pain (sudden back of neck, etc.)
. Various cramps
. Frequent muscular tensions.
Birth is quite a job, not only for the woman but also for the baby. Osteopathy in it's gently approach is perfect of a baby, making sure that everything is properly in place and moves well after birth. It can also be of help for more specific birth-related instances, such as plagiocephaly (flat head), colic, difficulty taking the breast, for example.
Osteopathy is a gentle approach that can be of great help for children who may be experiencing similar problems found in adults.
Infertility can sometimes be caused by a certain misalignment or adherence that can cause tensions on the reproductive system. The osteopath will make sure everything moves as it should, increasing chances of fertility.
Pregnancy is a great period of multiple changes to which the body has to adapt to. Osteopathy may be of help to make sure that all the structures adapt properly and everything moves as it should, encouraging a smooth labour.
It may also help with pregnancy-related issues, such as acid reflux, sciatica, pubic bone pain, back pain or thoracic mobility. It may also help if the baby is not turning on time.
Giving birth is quite hard on the woman's body. Having moved so much during pregnancy, it can also sometimes have a little trouble getting 'back on it's feet' properly. Osteopathy is very pertinent in the post-natal period to make sure every thing comes back as it should peacefully. It can also be of help when living with lactation problems or other post-natal related troubles.